Una lista di film sulla Palestina disponibili gratuitamente

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In light of the current events in Palestine, a large number of filmmakers have made their films about Palestine available online for free. In this post, I share with you links to films you can view and share to get the message out to the world:

Keeper of Memory” documentary

Empty Seat” documentary:

Resistance Pilot” documentary:

Jenin” documentary:

The Olive Tree” documentary:

Scenes from the Occupation in Gaza” documentary 1973:

Documentary “Gaza Fights For Freedom“:

Documentary “Arna’s Children“:

Short Film “Strawberry“:


Short Film “The Place“:

⁠Documentary “The Mayor“:

Documentary “The Creation and the Nakba 1948“:

Documentary “Occupation” 101“:

The Shadow of Absence” documentary:

The Don’t Exist” documentary:

As The Poet Said” documentary:

Five Broken Cameras” documentary:


Paradise Now” Feature Film:

Abnadam” Short Film:

Wedding of Galilee“:

The feature film “Keffiyeh“:

The documentary film “Slingshot Hip Hop“:


The documentary film “Tall al-Zaatar – The Secrets of the Battle“:

The documentary film “In the Grip of the Resistance“:

The documentary film “Swings“:

The documentary film “Naji al-Ali: An Artist with Vision“:

The Upper Gate” Documentary:

In Search of Palestine” Documentary:

⁠”Speak, Bird” Documentary:


Dinamiche, creatività, approfondimenti culturali e fenomeni emergenti dal punto di vista di una generazione indipendente e in evoluzione.

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